What is Art?
Art is a way of expressing or showing how we feel or how people look and feel around us. Everyone sees art differently and everyone’s interpretation of art is different. Some people believe that art is just something you hang on a wall or something like a sculpture. But some people believe that art is the things around us. The Beauty of a Desert the under scribe able texture of a reef are just some. While others see a phone or a computer as a piece of art. I believe that anything can be art. I know that art is more than just the things we paint and or is around us, it is the vision of how we see the world.
After our class discussion I still think my statement is true and that I covered a large aspect of art.

Painting Hands:
I think this was really cool and this was definitely a piece of art, I wish I could do that.

Fruit Carving:
Fruit carving is definitely a piece of art. It was like they where carving a piece of granet but instead it was with fruit. They where able to have beautiful colours unlike normal sculptures.

Speed Fries:
This was awesome I am not sure how the person thought of this but it is really creative piece.

Picasso also did a series of lino block prints. His prints are inspired by humans. Hear is an example of hiswork. i realy like this image because of the air it look so real and very real. I like how he has made some lines larger than others.

Sam Kerson is an artist that uses linoblock. His works are mainlybased on human and supernatural or ancient creatures. Here is an exaple of his work.
I really like this piece.I love the sharp edges and how he hsa used his lines so well.

Lino block Printing Process. the lino block printing process is performed by carving a piece of wood or linoleum block and then inking it and the placing it on paper.

In this painting my colour scheme was cool colours. The origanal image was green so i changed it to blue.

This is how i did my painting:

  1. i painted the background with my complentry colour(orange)
  2. once the paint was dry i drew my fruit on it
  3. then i cafrefully painted each line around the out side
  4. After this i painted the inside of the fruit a lite blue
  5. I then dottedmy painting
  6. then i was finished

I realy love my painting and i think it has come out very well. I like my colour sceem and my dotting best of all and i have had a really good time painting this painting.

The only diffuculty i faced was painting the lines inthe background it took me 4 hours.